
Acquiesce – (verb) to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent:

If you  have ever had a debt collector communicate with you by letter about a delinquent account you will find in the body of the communication a requirement to respond within 30 days or it will be assumed that the debt is yours.

Many people fail to respond to these letters even if the debt is not theirs. They assume if they don’t respond the problem or claim will go away. The problem is your silence is then used against you in court. Your failure to protest is considered an admission that the debt is yours.

In our spiritual lives we acquiesce also. We sit by silently as satan makes a claim on the things in our lives. We watch as he lays hold upon our families, jobs, health, even our peace.  Without protest we relinquish the blessings and benefits that are a part of having a relationship with God. Sure after time we may choose to cry and complain about our situation but we never fight for that which is ours.

God often put Israel into situations that would require bravery and dependence upon him. He was building a courageous people. He never expected them to stand by fearfully as their blessings were taken. When Joshua stood as the new leader of Israel, he was led by God to a land that was already inhabited. God commanded him to take the land and assured him that his enemies would not be able to stand before him.

We serve the same God today. He yet expects us to fight. It was never His plan for us to stand by idly as our lives and blessings were destroyed by the works of the kingdom of darkness in any of its forms.

Stand up and fight for what God has given you, or soon you wont have anything to fight for.
