Planning for a Successful Year 2013

Your life is your business, run it successfully.

We serve a God who has a plan and so should we. The scriptures declare that He knows the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet come.(Isaiah 46:10)

Although we can’t guarantee outcomes, having a plan is like having a boat with a motor and the coast in view. Living without a plan is akin to a ship with no motor or sails, just ending up wherever the waves take it.

  • Pray and seek God for direction. (Prov 3:5-6
  • Write your vision down. (Hab 2:2)
  • Set goals to accomplish that mission.
  • Keep track of your progress.
  • Be truthful about your abilities and seek help in your areas of weakness.
  • Don’t be drawn off course by distractions. Ask yourself, Is this a part of my mission? If not, it’s a distraction and will make you less productive.
  • Remember, you can’t do everything. But, what you do God will bless. (Psalm 1:3)
  • Acknowledge your achievements and celebrate them.
  • Thank God for His help, because you can’t do it without him.

Here’s to a Happy Productive New Year!
